Helpful Information About Potential Welding Careers & Trucking Jobs

Check out this selection of articles below to learn more about career choices and how to prepare for in-demand job opportunities.

  • image of tanker truck driving on road, text at the bottom reads "More than a CDL: CDL endorsements"

    The Pros and Cons of CDL Endorsements

    When you see those little letters on your Commercial Driver's License (CDL), just what comes to mind? Are they relevant to your career? Those little letters (i.e. endorsements) are the government's way of giving commercial drivers the authority to transport heavy, sensitive, difficult, people, or potentially hazardous cargo. Endorsements certify that commercial drivers have received the necessary training needed for specific commercial driving tasks.

    Endorsements that may be added to your CDL:

    •  H-Hazardous Materials*
    •  N-Tank Vehicles*
    •  P-Passenger**
    •  S-School bus**
    •  T-Double/Triple Trailers*
    •  X-Tank Vehicle/Hazardous Materials Endorsements*
    *Knowledge Test Only **Knowledge & Skills test CDL endorsements do matter. Consider how much a driver with a Hazmat Endorsement makes versus a driver that isn't certified. The blog, Trucker Country says, having the right endorsements, "can land driver's a meaningful career with higher pay." They also agree that every endorsement that a driver pursues broadens their driving opportunities. The CDL certification exams are short, simple, and very affordable. So, with the opportunities that CDL endorsements can add to your career, it's a great idea to qualify for as many as possible. Diverse CDL endorsements offer you flexibility and increase your job opportunities. Drivers that wish to switch fields can go from a truck driver to a bus driver with ease. Plus, multiple endorsements give you the edge over other drivers. If you qualify to drive a double or triple trailer or even a tank, you will have the advantage over other applicants without the qualifying endorsements. You may not ever use all of your endorsements or feel like it's a drawback that has cost you time and money. Quite arguably, an employer may see you as a mature more qualified applicant because you went through the time and expense of qualifying for multiple endorsements. The endorsements that suit your lifestyle or career goals will be entirely up to the driver. Your decision about endorsement certification should be based on the longevity of your career and not a spare of the moment decision. The endorsements that you choose could determine your future and the success of your career in truck driving.

    Why Truck Drivers Choose The Advanced Career Institute

    Advanced Career Institute offers advanced CDL training programs to get you started in a career in truck driving. We also cater to students with no prior experience or knowledge of the trucking industry with our Class A training. Our hands-on training and curriculum help our students succeed with confidence. With over 25 years of experience, we understand the unique situations and challenges that our students may be facing and we're here to help. If you qualify, our financial assistance programs can help you pay for tuition. Contact us today for more details on a rewarding career in trucking available to both men and women.
  • image of person welding

    Traits Needed to Become a Welder

    You may be wondering, what does a welder do? The job description of a welder is complex and challenging. However, this creates an exciting and rewarding lifestyle! No day of work as a professional welder is the same. Sometimes welders will spend the day cutting, shaping, and combining materials to make different parts for a variety of industries. Some of these may include the construction, engineering, automobile, or aerospace fields. Whichever field you choose, the tasks tend to be similar across the board. In general, welders pick the materials to join or cut, and arrange them in an appropriate configuration. Then, they follow a specific design or blueprint to create the desired product. Sometimes a welder has to perform certain melting methods on materials like lead bars to complete a project. Welders are also in charge of fixing structural repairs and making sure the welding equipment is in great shape. Continue reading to learn what it takes to become a welder.

    What Materials Do Welders Use?

    Several different types of materials are used on a daily basis including composite material, alloys, or metals. Some welders who choose to take a more specific route work with complex laser or ultrasound welding equipment. Keep in mind, though, that a career in welding will sometimes require working with dangerous tools in high-risk environments. Getting in the habit of wearing the appropriate protective gear is an absolute necessity.

    What Skills Do I Need to Become a Welder?

    A great welder usually has the ability to remain very detailed and focused at all times. They should also be very familiar with the latest welding tools and methods. In addition, it's helpful to have a vast amount of knowledge of different welding design techniques and equipment preferences. Welding also requires someone with a confident building and construction ability to ensure effective repair and equipment maintenance. A person with excellent construction skills usually has a very logical mind and excels in problem-solving situations. A well-rounded mathematics understanding is a valuable trait for welders to have. It isn’t necessarily a requirement for the job, but is attractive to employers looking to hire a welder to perform many different tasks on the job site.

    What Kind of Training Do I Need to Work as a Welder?

    Every welding job requires at least a general certification in welding. Welding programs are created to teach students the basic skills and procedures needed to work as a professional. Every school offers a different mix of cutting techniques and materials. One of the most important things to take away from a welding program is the industry’s safety guidelines and methods as well as blueprint reading. A welding program that enforces a good amount of hands-on training will prove most beneficial for welding student’s future. At Advanced Career Institute, we provide Welding Training for entry-level welders. No experience is required before beginning your training. Our goal is to help you master the skills needed to perform proficiently in your new career.   Do you still have questions about a career in welding or welding training? Contact us and an ACI representative will be happy to answer all of your questions. Advanced Career Institute wants to help you get started on the path to a stable career with lots of rewards. Reach out today!
  • Image of man sitting in drivers seat of truck

    Making it Through Your CDL Training

    Going back to school for continuing education midway through your career is never an easy decision, but it can provide benefits that will stay with you for the rest of your career in that industry. The same can get said for going back to CDL school to help you start a new career. The following are several tips to help you make the most of your CDL training as you start a new career and take part in training for your job as a truck driver...

    Have a Mind Open to Learning

    When you go back to school to get your CDL, it can be challenging, but it needs to get done with an open mind. You will learn lots of new things for the first time. While it might seem overwhelming, in the end, taking the information you learn to apply to your career is what will help you pass your CDL test.

    Be Coachable

    Being coachable means that you take the information that you learn and you use it to help you advance in your new career. Everything you get taught at ACI is to help prepare you for the road ahead (no pun intended) and to become a safe and cautious driver. Learn and improve your skills and you will become a better employee and a more hireable candidate.

    Come with Optimism & A Positive Attitude

    Coming in with a positive attitude and an open mind rather than being pessimistic and unopened to change will help you make the most out of the education. Everyone at Advanced Career Institute wants the very best for you and to see you succeed.

    Learn From Constructive Criticism

    Constructive criticism is part of any sort of learning and career training. When our teachers and mentors give you criticism, they never mean to insult or belittle you, but rather are there to teach you the industry standards and how to do your job more effectively. Take the critical thinking in the mindset that they want you to succeed and do whatever you can to help yourself learn the skills needed for the job.

    Avoid Putting Mentors/Instructors Down

    The instructors at the Advanced Career Institute care about you not only as a student who is paying to get an education but for you as an individual who wants to improve your life and make a better living. Returning that respect and working with our instructors will only help you be better at your new job. It will also help you have a better learning experience along the way.

    Believe In Yourself

    The amount of information you learn while in school training for your CDL can be very overwhelming. Taking in the information can seem challenging. Believe in yourself and your ability to understand what you are learning. You can remember this information and make a better life for yourself moving forward with trucking as your new career.   These are just some traits that will help you succeed in earning your Commercial Driver's License. ACI is here to help you get through the learning process that is part of becoming a full-time truck driver. For further assistance or to come in and speak to us, please contact us today.
  • Image of nurse checking patient heart rate

    What to Know About The DOT Exam

    There are a variety of steps to take in order to become a professional truck driver. One step is to pass the DOT Physical Exam. The DOT Physical Exam is an examination that all truck drivers must take and pass to get their Commercial Driver’s License. This exam determines if the driver meets certain health standards set by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) in order to be eligible to drive. Continue reading to learn more about the DOT Exam!

    What Is the DOT Exam?

    All truck drivers are required by law to pass the DOT Physical Exam before getting behind the wheel of a big rig. The FMCSA has set a variety of mental and physical health regulations that truckers must meet in order to fulfill the demands of a truck driving career. All professional truck drivers must hold an up-to-date physical certification at all times. Typically, drivers are required to get physicals every 1-2 years. It is important to meet the standards of the DOT physical to ensure both the truck driver’s safety on the road as well as the safety of other motorists. All candidates are asked to fill out all health questionnaires before they arrive at the office. If drivers have any of the following conditions they need to bring the following with them to the exam:
    • Drivers who have vision or hearing problems must bring either their glasses/contacts or hearing aids with them to the exam.
    • Potential drivers with diabetes must bring their most recent and comprehensive Hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C) results and blood sugar logs with them.
    • Drivers with heart-related issues must bring a letter from their cardiologist outlining the issues and limitations that the driver has as well as along with a note that they are safe to perform this kind of work.
    If a driver comes without these specific papers, yet has one of these conditions, the exam will not be able to be passed until the appropriate items are brought in.

    What Can I Expect During the DOT Exam?

    In addition to the necessary checks mentioned above, the DOT Physical Exam will also look for a variety of other conditions that a driving candidate may have. These will include the following:
    • General Appearance
    • Eyes (i.e., cataracts, glaucoma, muscular degeneration, etc.)
    • Ears (i.e., scarring of the tympanic membrane, perforated eardrums, etc.)
    • Mouth/Throat Exam (issues swallowing)
    • Heart (to detect problems)
    • Lungs & Chest
    • Abdominal Issues
    • Vascular Issues
    • Genito-Urinary Issues
    • Extremities
    • Possible Spinal Injuries
    • Neurological Issues
    These are just some of the issues that get looked at within the exam. The idea behind the DOT Physical Exam is to give prospective drivers a comprehensive physical to ensure that the driver is fit and healthy before beginning their driving career.

    What Happens if I Fail?

    A candidate will fail the exam if they have the following:
    • Cardiovascular/Respiratory Disease
    • High Blood Pressure (without medication)
    • Epilepsy
    • Diabetes
    • Nervous/Psychiatric Disorder
    • Poor Eyesight (without corrective lenses)
    • Loss of one/multiple limbs
    Candidates will also fail if they do not pass the alcohol or drug test that accompanies the rest of their physical. Failing the DOT Exam does not necessarily mean that you are incapable of driving a truck. If you have a condition that can be treated, consult your doctor for further treatment. If your condition has improved, consider taking the exam again. Additionally, the FMCSA offers exemptions for certain impairments. Refer to your doctor to see if you qualify. Are you considering a career as a professional truck driver? Advanced Career Institute offers hands-on training to earn your Class A CDL. ACI campuses are located in Merced, Fresno, Bakersfield, and Visalia. To learn more about truck driver training, head over to our Class A CDL Training Program!
  • image of orange background with podcast microphone and text that reads "5 trucking podcast you should be listening to"

    Tools to Become a Better Driver

    In today's connected world, the amount of media content available specifically for truck drivers is incredible. Whether you're brand new to the industry or a trucking veteran, there is always a fresh blog, magazine, or forum to check out. Looking for some light reading? Give Trucking Truth or Trailer Talk a try. Wondering what other truckers are chatting about online? Join the 15.9k people participating in the r/Truckers Reddit community. But what about those long hours at the wheel when you can't stare at a computer or phone screen? That's the perfect time for podcasts to shine! Podcasts are the equivalent of radio on demand; audio content when and where you want it. Luckily for us, the explosion of podcasting in the past few years has given us plenty of listening options created by and for truckers. Here are 5 of our favorites:

    1. Ask the Trucker "LIVE" with Allen Smith

    An oldie but a goodie, Ask the Trucker "LIVE" has been around since 2008. Host Allen Smith focuses on driver health, careers, regulations, and important industry issues. Check out episodes like "The Effects of ELD Mandate on Trucker Health & Safety."

    2. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers

    Hosted by thirty-year transportation industry veteran Bruce Outridge, The Lead Pedal Podcast is a positive voice in the trucking industry with a focus on career information and interviews. Published every Tuesday and Thursday, you can also watch them record in their studio via their YouTube channel.

    3. Trucker Dump Podcast

    A self-described podcast "for truckers, potential truckers, and curious non-truckers," Trucker Dump shares fascinating stories from the road. Check out episodes like "Coping with Rookie Drivers" or "Winter Truck Driving Tips from An Alaskan Trucker."

    4. The Trucking Podcast

    Co-hosted by father and son duo Buck and Don Ballard, this podcast covers topics from the industry as well as all things vehicle-related. Give episodes "5 Fantastic Tow Vehicles That Will Turn Heads" or "The Best 401K For Owner Operators" a listen and hear for yourself!

    5. TalkCDL Trucking Podcast

    Hosted by truckers for truckers, TalkCDL covers topics like trucking laws, surveys, news, and interviews.  Check out episodes "Trucking Career is Better than a College Degree" or "Ruthann - Interview with Women in Trucking."   The above shows have literally hundreds of episodes available to binge listen to.  Many are available through multiple sources, such as iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play or even Spotify. Be entertained while staying in the know about your profession. Now get downloading! If you're ready to take the next step towards a career in the truck driving industry, the right training makes all the difference. Contact us and learn how ACI can help you reach your career goals. If you'd like more information on the Training Programs available at Advanced Career Institute, please visit our Training Programs.
    *This blog was originally published in 2015 and has been updated with new content.
  • image of student using the truck driving simulator

    A New Addition to CDL Training

    Trucking schools have turned to new technology! Advanced Career Institute's Fresno Campus has added a trucking simulator to help their drivers learn to drive before hitting the road. This trucking simulator allows students to get the general feel and experience of driving behind the wheel of a "big-rig" before they set foot inside a real truck. This new technology has become a great resource to add to our CDL training.

    What Do Trucking Simulators Do?

    Trucking simulators allow students to experience what it's like to drive a "big rig" truck without even leaving the classroom! Our simulator is complete with the steering system and on-screen display to learn the basic skills of truck driving. Skills learned within a simulator include:
    • backing
    • sightline views from the driver's seat
    • how the clutch works
    • driving in various weather conditions (i.e. ice, snow, sleet, freezing rain, rain, wind, etc.)
    Once these skills (and many others like them) are learned, the student will be much more prepared to take on driving in an actual truck. Students will then commence the "road training" portion of their program, which further reviews the basic driving skills needed to pass their CDL test.

    Truck Simulators - Part of Our Curriculum:

    Trucking simulators have become a core part of our driver training program here at our Fresno Campus. It has become an effective tool in teaching our drivers the basics of operating a truck before getting behind the wheel of a truck for the first time. This new technology of truck simulators provides students with a diverse set of scenarios a trucker may see while driving. This can also help increase a student's chances of passing their CDL test the first time. Simulators are a tool that we are excited to continue to use at ACI. Our goal is to continue to provide the best possible training for each student. As technologies continue to advance, these simulators become more lifelike and give students a better experience of learning to drive a truck.

    Come By & Visit Our Training Center:

    If you are interested in seeing what our driving simulator looks like and the kind of technology we invest here at the Advanced Career Institute, please feel free to stop by. We are happy to show you our simulator as well as discuss your truck driver training options. For further assistance, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to seeing and meeting you soon!