There are many reasons to become a professional welder. This growing career field offers many opportunities for those applicants with the right training and skills. Here are five reasons why you should consider a career in welding.
1. Growing Demand
The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) estimates that an additional 14 million welders will be needed by 2020. This means now is a perfect time to receive professional training and enter this growing career field. In addition, there are hundreds of current welders expected to retire in the coming years. Because of this and the improving economy, now is the ideal time for a jobseeker to consider a new career as a professional welder.
2. Employers Need Qualified Applicants
Despite the demand for more welders, many employers are struggling to find enough qualified applicants. Employers are looking for applicants who understand the technology used in today’s welding field. They also look for candidates with a strong understanding of how to read blueprints and practice proper safety procedures. The NAM said that a recent poll of manufacturers shows that 81 percent say they cannot find enough skilled workers. This is because a growing number of welding applicants are scoring below proficient in the areas of math and science. Many employers are turning away applicants because many lack the training and skills that are needed in this profession. That give students of Advanced an advantage when it comes to finding work in the welding field.
3. The Training You Need is Available at ACI
Advanced offers a great professional welding training program, helping students launch a new career in this growing industry. Advanced Career Institute’s welding program is designed to prepare each student to obtain a welder certification. Students will also receive training in a variety of skills including construction site safety, blueprint and site plan reading, principles of metallurgy, construction math and welding tool usage. Learn more about our
welder training program.
4. Work in a Variety of Industries and Places
Professional welders can find work in a variety of industries and sectors, including general construction, the energy sector and manufacturing. Welders are in-demand in the booming natural gas sector, bridge construction and in factories. It is important for welders to have a strong training foundation to use in a variety of fields.
5. A Career for Women
The welding profession is not only for men. According to the United States Department of Labor Women’s Bureau, the number of female welders in the U.S. has increased by over 2 percent over the past decade. Labor officials say this points to a trend of more women getting into the welding industry. Welding is a great career choice for women. More and more are building long lasting careers in this growing field.
As you can see, there are many reasons to consider a new career in welding. Now is the perfect time to enter this growing career field. Manufacturers and employees in every part of the country are seeking out qualified welders who have professional training. Advanced Career Institute is leading the way in helping a new generation of professional welders learn the skills today’s employers demand.
Looking for a new, challenging career that allows you to work with your hands in a variety of environments? There are many reasons to choose this career field, but any one of these 5 listed are reason enough to seek our professional welding training at ACI.
Contact us to become a welder today!