
Helpful Information About Potential Trucking Jobs

  • Image of tractor-trailer wheels.

    Tire Traction Control and Fuel Economy Research

    The trucking industry news site Trucking Info has a video feature on their visit to the Goodyear Tires proving grounds in San Angelo, Texas, where they conduct testing on tires, including those designed for tractor trailers. The testing facility sits on 7.000 acres of land, where the company conducts testing on such areas as traction control, fuel economy, and durability. The company provides and quality control on both their own tires and those of competitors. The video breaks down several control tests Goodyear conducts as they continue to develop and improve on their product and develop tires that offer peak performance in a variety of areas, doing their part to make life on the road safer for truck drivers. To view the video and more trucking industry news, visit Trucking Info at this link.
  • image of red semi cab parked on green grass from a low angle

    A World Record Semi Truck Jump of 166 Feet

    YES, stunt driving semi tractors is a thing. It is always cool to see a driver jumping semi trucks. July 23-25, 2015 was Evel Knievel Days (it’s an extreme sports festival) in his hometown of Butte, Montana. In front of hundreds of cheering onlookers, Gregg Godfrey shattered his 2008 world record by jumping his semi-truck 166 feet in the air. His 2008 record was a 50-foot jump, which was broken in 2014 with a 83.7 foot jump… Oh, and that one just happened to include an attached trailer…. And, just because he could… he ended this world record shattering jump by kindly parallel parking his rig. (which most people can’t pull off on a normal day, with parallel park assist!)
    World Record Semi Truck Jump! YouTube video by Colton Moore  
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    Demand for Truckers Continues to Grow

    There are many reasons to consider a new career as a professional truck driver. The commercial truck industry plays an important role in the national economy which should give drivers a sense of accomplishment. In a column published by Tire Review, Bob Costello, president of the American Trucking Associations wrote about the important role the trucking sector is playing in today’s economy. “There is no industry more essential to the health and welfare of the U.S. economy than the trucking industry,” Costello wrote. “America’s trucks move the vast majority of America’s freight – from farm to factory to warehouse to retailer to home, trucks dominate freight transportation.” Costello added that “When looking at the industry, it is important to appreciate its size. Acc­ording to the Department of Transportation, there are more than one million interstate motor carriers – including for-hire, private fleets and owner-operators. And those carriers moved 9.7 billion tons of freight in 2013 – nearly 70 percent of all the tonnage moved by trucks.” With trucks playing such an important role in the national economy, becoming a professional truck driver could be a great way for you to enter a profession that allows you to make a difference and feel good about the work you are doing. “Every grocery store, shopping center, car dealership, book­store or pharmacy gets their goods via truck,” Costello wrote. “And in today’s on-demand economy, every time a person clicks the checkout button on an online retailer, another bit of freight is put on the back of a truck. Trucking is a $681 billion industry; more than 81 percent of all freight-related dollars were paid to the trucking industry. With more than 3.2 million drivers – and 7 million employees overall – trucking really is the lifeblood of the U.S. economy.” The size and growth of the trucking industry is another reason why this is a great career opportunity. The truck industry continues to grow and there is a need for thousands of more CDL trained commercial truck drivers. In fact, the demand for more drivers is so great that many truck carriers are looking for ways to entice more drivers through higher pay and tuition reimbursement for CDL programs. “Con-way Truckload is rolling out a new tuition reimbursement program to entice new drivers to work for the company after attending a professional driving school,” reports “The program will contribute up to $4000 to students attending or enrolling in a professional driving school to earn a commercial driver’s license. A full-time position at Con-way will be offered upon graduation and a driver must work for Con-way for a year to receive the full amount.” Demand for trucking services continues to grow across the country. However, truck carriers are struggling to find enough qualified driver to meet that demand and its forcing trucking carriers to look for creative ways to encourage more individuals to consider a career as a commercial truck driver. “Professional truck drivers are essential to our nation’s economy and with the current driver shortage, we’re looking for more ways to help bring new professionals into the industry,” said Bert Johnson, vice president of human resources at Con-way. In its article, reported that “Conway will make monthly payments on a student’s loan for the first 12 months of employment with the company. After the year is up, the rest of the reimbursement will be paid in a lump sum. The new program replaces Con-way’s previous tuition assistance program that gave $2,000 reimbursements.” As truck carriers continue to look for thousands of new truck drivers, now is the perfect time to launch a new trucking career. The CDL training program at Advanced puts students at the top of the list for some of the best truck driving jobs in the country and is helping hundreds of jobseekers launch a new career in one of America’s fastest growing employment fields. The quality of education at Advanced can help many students graduate from the CDL training program with multiple job offers and opportunities. This is a great time to consider a new career as a professional truck driver, especially as the industry continues to grow and truck carriers increase their incentives for new drivers.